Monday, April 23, 2012

One time $ PID is not considered

I was a child did not tell the parents that sometimes it happens that uncle uncle in love with. So, at age 12 when I saw keep a pair of men 's hands and peacefully strolling on the avenue of the park I was a little taken aback. Usually, I walk with my dad, and now adult uncle. Even when he grew up and began to receive sex education from friends and classmates in the courtyard of the school learned that there are lesbians, but there are homosexual.

To date, a homophobe, I do not think, but an ardent supporter of same-sex love from the camp of heterosexuals, too, am not. Even historically, that homosexuality has always been, probably with the advent of the first cell when the cells are similar in appearance tried to climb on each other, or tried to settle down. back. And at all times the same-sex love, even from the school course of history know about the preferences of the pharaohs of Egypt, the young boys in Greece, that the men in Rome, went to the bath, not only because of their steam and epoch to epoch, holding his peppers, . Now, with the advent of glasnost, upholding human rights and all sorts of social movements and protests seem to the world that homosexuality is captured. The solid gay parades and festivals of sexual minorities.

Gaia Festival each other.

Homosexuality in the nation to share even some sub-species - is gay, homosexuals ( homosexual ) and fagot ( motherfuckers ). Depending on the type of occupation, the significance of the person or his actions, he falls into one of these categories.

There is a tendency that the number of sexual minorities is increasing exponentially during the broadcast of a football match, fans will immediately identify with the first minute of the match, who is who. And already on the results of an honorary title championship team ' fag ' may even awarded the country's national team - in the case of well, not very good game. And about the fact that the parliament will not find Butch is the day the fire is already an established fact and a sad pattern. Look what they take and what the laws. brawl in parliament. satisfied with who they are after?.

Passion galore.

As one grandmother with us at an entrance: ' Let them, they tear up my ass and suck prichandaly stubble from each other, the main thing that I did not touch '.

There are normal guys, do not deny, and indeed about to write a post about gays in the shoubiznesse and thought sack themselves. Assembled a collection of famous people who were and are committed to same-sex love. National stage is not touched, because we do not stop to call themselves gay, as long as your photo or a report showed the media. PR eptit!.

And so, in order of historical chronology represent a selection of famous gay men, gay men is because these men deserve the normal definition of their gender.

Socrates. A student of Socrates, Plato has preserved for us a teacher dialogues, which speak of the beginning of the passion of love in a mature male mentor to the youth - student. In 339 BC. e. Socrates was executed on charges of heresy and corrupting the youth.


Alexander of Macedon. Everyone knows that the great commander. But he was not only famous for his victories, but also a nice attraction to young boys. His homosexuality was described by all ancient historians: as partners mentioned best friend Hephaestion and Bagoas the Persian boy.

Alexander of Macedon.

Oscar Wilde. His name became a legend in the gay culture, and the books have become classics of world literature. In 1886 he seduced by Robert Ross, the writer began to lead a double life, and in 1891 there was a meeting with Lord Alfred Douglas. He was tried on charges of sodomy and sentenced to hard labor, and, soon after his release, at the age of 46 years died. His tragic story has become a point of change in the attitude of society towards gays.

Oscar Wilde.

This is a classic example, I am confident that each of us still remember a couple, but the encyclopedia of gay nobody here is going to write. Now let's look at the representatives of the Western showbiz. Here they are sweet, shining blue halo and give us your wonderful work!.

Jean Marais. Idol of millions of women, sex idol 1950-1960 -ies. Women adored him, men envy. People did not know or did not believe that their idol does not like women - he was gay, and to the same woman man: he had lived for decades sdramaturgom Jean Cocteau. Their relationship did not conceal the actor, but this one did not apply.

Jean Marais.

Cary Grant. It is with a well-known writer Ian Fleming wrote his immortal James Bond. The actor was the idol of the 40s and 50s.

Cary Grant.

Ian McKellen. Yes, you read that right my dear friends. The Wizard Gandalf in ' Lord of the Rings ', Magneto from ... With that he did not hide their orientation, long before his film fame. He was the king of the London stage and was already pretty twisted love affairs with peppers.

Ian McKellen.

Tom Ford. He izveten that hitting the TV screens in commercials eclipsed their sexuality known at the time the actors. Trademarks and brands are well-known manufacturers lined up for him in the queue, in order to win over the.

Kevin Spacey. His present is not necessary - not only the star of screen and stage. A great actor. For a long time denied the rumors about his sexuality was even sued, but everything fell into place over time.

Elton John. Admitted to the blue of the singer recently. In December 2005, when he registered his relationship with the designer and director David Fernyshem. And before you all already suspected in the Elton priverzhenstve seualnym to minorities, with the head of his mannerisms betrayed and flirty way to dress with style.

George Michael. Recognition of the singer in his orientation has shocked his fans. And the confession was beaten out, so to speak, forced to. His grab the police when caught in the men's room mastrubiruet. This is necessary so Ms. slept! .

Darren Hayes. The former lead singer of Savage Garden via the Internet, said the world that he is gay. In 2006 he was at the office. radosnuyu news site wrote that formalized the relationship with her boyfriend Richard Cullen. Now they have to cross a well ))).

Ricky Martin. Until recently I did not believe that the gay Pupsik. But shit, he wrote in his blog that he is happy to admit that he is gay. I cried for two nights!.

Hugo Weaving. Oh no! .

As we can see, all these famous people are different from normal, but this does not diminish their merits.

My wife asked over his shoulder: ...

Damn, I too kazhisya infected, the nails start to turn blue cheto.

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