However, they are not particularly help in the fight against dirty air. As the results of studies, most of the cleaning device filters quickly become clogged and cease to function normally. In addition, the air conditioner is inconvenient for the fact that the noise and creates a draft, which is the cause of common colds.
So now, many scientists are developing ' safe ' air conditioners. Very original decision in this area has recently suggested that a team from St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. They believe that as such it is best to use the air conditioners... tropical plants.
The fact that the inhabitants of our planet green can successfully clean the air, domestic scientists knew as early as the 60s of the twentieth century. However, in those days many of the southern plants was not so easy to grow in the apartments of residents in our cold northern country - was not appropriate supporting equipment. After all, the inhabitants of the evergreen tropical forests requires a suitable humidity and high temperatures.
These beautiful and delicate creation used to be at or below 25 ° C and relative humidity of 80-95 %. However, most of them do not require intense lighting, as in tropical forests under the canopy of giant trees, twilight reigns.
But now the problem of maintaining the temperature and humidity is not impossible, because the market is required for this equipment is ' climate control '. Scientists using a computer able to perfectly adjust the mode of irrigation, humidification and lighting, as well as to calculate the required UV dose. The result is an impressive ' green wall ' (the size of a half to two meters), which effectively eliminates the air in pyatnadtsatimetrovoy room with a ceiling height up to 2.5 m. of toxins and pathogens.
The question arises - why do plants need to absorb by a variety of toxic substances? . Instead of micro - pals plants provide useful materials for them, primarily nitrogen and trace elements.
What are the ' food preferences ... And the record here is Chlorophytum - it absorbs up to 90 % of this is very harmful to human health, substance. The same set of plants will help to get rid of breaking into an apartment vapors of xylene and toluene. But Anthurium Azaleas and specialize in the least poisonous benzene.
But that's not all. Many tropical plants are constantly emit into the environment so-called volatile - the substances that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. In nature, they are similarly protected from ingress of infection in your body through the leaves and aerial roots. And in the apartment - protect against diseases of the owners. The best ...
Also, many plants emit into the air aromatics. They are necessary for them to attract insect pollinators, and to create around himself a special ' fog ' - do not pass through it, the hot rays of the tropical sun, and thus it protects the leaves from burns. However, in the opinion of physicians, these substances are beneficial to human body, providing residents of apartments with a ' green air-conditioned ' positive emotional.
And, of course, such a ' green wall ' without any windings are actively saturates the air with oxygen in the room. And not just oxygen: the atmosphere in a room in their chemical composition and saturation of ions close to that in the mountains or in the woods. True, there is a nuisance, which is 'green' air conditioner is able to cause his master at night.
At night, as we recall, the plants stop photosynthesis, and accordingly, the evolution of oxygen, and begin to breathe, while highlighting the significant amount of carbon dioxide. Particularly zealous in this mimosa and dieffenbachia - if these plants are located in the bedroom, the morning of holder can wake up with a headache.
From this perspective, the researchers advise in the selection of plants for ' green conditioner ' always consult with a specialist. This will help eliminate the potential of the composition of those types of cleaners that are poisoning the very air carbonation.
Interestingly, the 2009 device- biological complex, created in SPbPU, was awarded the Gold Medal at the International Fair Innovations in Nuremberg (Germany). After that, the development of domestic scientists interested in the Committee on Environment and Ecology, St. Petersburg, which has financed the creation of further prototypes and now looks for investors to replicate the natural air-conditioning.
However, according to economists, is now ' green wall ' will cost is not cheap - the cost of purification of the complex until about 60 thousand. rubles. However, this is due to the fact that the production of natural air-conditioners have not yet put in an industrial flow. In addition, buyers will not have to spend money on repairs - with proper care the plants themselves are restored.
And if green cleaners will be comfortable to live in your apartment, and they will successfully reproduce in the near future you will be able to create one of their descendants still a ' green wall ' in the other room. I agree, you are such an electric air conditioning will not get.
So, as you can see, using plants as air conditioners not only convenient, but also beneficial. In addition, they are noisy and do not consume electricity....
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Sunday, April 22, 2012
Air-conditioning of the plant
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