Sunday, April 1, 2012

29 ways to get a free link

source:. http://blog. magwai. ru/192.

What if the budget for the purchase of options is small or absent, and links to the site to get you want? . I offer you 29 ways how to do it.
We are interested in direct links with no redirects, noindex, nofollow, robots are not closed in. txt and other antiseo. ...
The first type of help to move on demand, the second helps it indirectly - improve the indexing of the site, increases the credibility of the page, increasing Tietz and PR.

Viewing the forums.
Remember, on any forums you are already registered. Torrents. ru, a forum of the city, fans forum hamsters, professional forums. I am sure these are not collected a few. Look for forums with high particle through a search and pr.
In the vast majority of forum engine you can put URL in your profile, it will also be displayed in the list of users. Set for a variety of reference not only to the home page, but the important internal pages.
For better indexing of your links to leave our comments to 05.03 thoughtful new topic. So the search bots quickly find your URL. If the topic is attached at the top or the very top of the list is kept for a long time, it will also be a step towards a faster indexing.

The signature on the forums.
Even harder than the URL in the profile. On many forums link in the signature, or prohibited altogether, or closed in the noindex. Take a look at first someone's signature on the code page - if it is not closed from indexation. If not, create. Here the old and useful accounts - credibility priori higher than for users who just registered and have a candidly seoshnuyu signature link. It is used at professional forums, which each have a link in your signature, and the city, sports, etc. forums, your new account may be taken as spammer.
The rest of the recommendations are the same - some messages for better indexing.

link Exchange.
Old, old way, but it still works. There were times when I used it as a primary. Change is desirable not directly but by the scheme A - B - C, where A and C are your sites. C - the main site that you promote, A - ​​site support. The advantage is obvious: firstly, there is no exchange, and secondly, you do not expose your white and fluffy On -site risk, placing there a directory for the exchange of.
If all the exchange will be a line, then carefully select the sites to which reference will. Do not place any explicit reference to the r -sites, do not place more than 10 links per page, and add, if possible, thematic links. Then the chance of getting the sanctions will be minimal.
Base e-mails webmasters can be found on the Web. But if you do not find I can send you my. However, it is out of date - I myself do not practice the exchange is two years.

Link to Google.
Want to link to a site with 64,000 particles? . Go into Google Notebook http://www. google. ru / notebook /, write text, put the reference mark in the settings that the public record. Next, refer to the resulting page, or add to eddurilku Yandex. And all. Yandex these pages quite well indexed.

Cool Stuff.
Write an interesting article. Do not even related to the theme of your life. Particularly attracted the attention of positions in the spirit: 100 facts about cats, 201 method of suicide, 20 surest ways to become a millionaire and m. n. At the end of this article provide a link to your site, either as a signature ( name of Surname, name. ru), or as a source of inspiration and one of the items ... In the middle of the article, put an extra link - it may be a word, letter, the point. Next, the article in the popular thematic communities.
If your article is like, it will copy-paste on blogs, forums and splogi. Part kopipasta will be filled in along with your references.
For example, the widely dispersed my post ...

Services favorites.
Add your site to bookmarking services like mister-wong. ru, bobrdobr. ru, etc. Most of them are allowed direct links. In addition, use the tags as a popular and unique.

Sharing articles.
Almost the same thing that you share links, but you have to write texts in the volume of 2500-4000 marks. It is important that you are offering to exchange various articles, take at least rewrite. The best option - to have a thematic catalog, which accept only useful thematically unique articles. So, you still get free content.

Comments in blogs.
The main rule - do not spam! . Spammers have forced many bloggers close to the home page commenting noindex, a link from a comment made ​​through a redirect.
Blogger will not pass link anchor frankly spam. Write a meaningful detailed commentary on the topic, enter the URL, and in the field ... Then your comment is approved without any problems.

Guest book.
The principles are the same as that in the blogs.

Exchange of contextual links.
An effective way to get quality link. Link is not put in the catalog as a normal link exchange, and in the text of existing Article. Such a link looks more natural and more favorably perceived by searchers. Again, possible cross- exchange.

Catalogue of sites.
Registration in catalogs of quality websites and directories business, where you can specify a URL site. We are talking about high-quality directories with moderation, a massive run on directories (especially the younger site) could give even a negative effect.
Do not forget to apply in DMOZ. org. However, there may be a request to consider a year in some sections. If you really want to hit your site to the directory - become editor of the desired column. Many of the branches of the lower -level editors are required. Also, many are not employed regional branches. Having the right to edit this category, you can add to it their sites quickly. Surprisingly, this way is often much faster. Retrieved on personal experience.

article directories.

Write a bunch of unique articles for such directories are too poorly, but if there is one article, then do it with a rewrite and add.

Message boards.
As in the case of directories, choose a high quality board. Make a normal description of the goods or services you offer.

Service Q \u0026 A.
Use services like otvety. google. ru, etc. Look through the search issue related to the theme of your life and give a meaningful response to a link to your site. If this question is not found, create it yourself. And they themselves write the answer with reference.

This product / service for your feedback.
With the help of the site you have something to sell or deliver services? . You are giving a good or service, and for that get an objective opinion about it, of course, with a link to your site. You can even try to agree on the ANCOR links. In addition to SEO effect, you get direct referrals, which in this case is even more important.
Please note that the product / service must be commensurate with the level of popularity of the tester. Do not offer to run the leading directory seo- bloggers, but the expensive software to offer can already be.

A gift for the link.

Arrange the campaign website: those who will deliver during the week link in my blog you get a small gift from a number of products that you sell. Or after the purchase of goods write a review about it, put it on your site and get an extra year of warranty. Or, place a link to us and receive a VIP- account for one month.
There are many solutions, as long as gifts are not too burdensome for you.

Articles on industry resources.
Write an article on the subject of your resource. If the article is interesting, it gladly publish industry portal. Reference is guaranteed, and some even pay for the article 's fees.

Contests sites.
Participate in contests sites. Operates the Olympic principle - the main thing is not to win, and participation. Do not win, so get a link from page ...

Viral link.
Any code that you can copy and paste into your blog, website, forum, social network. The code is assigned to a link to your site. Viral content could be an image, text, video or a combination of them. Your task is that the user copied and pasted the code to your site. Available through the community, social clubs. networks, etc.
An example of such a reference might happen test results. Year and a half ago we did a test, ... People love tests, and many were added to the result of a. The last line in the code were appended ...

Widgets and Counters.
If possible, prompt users to the site widgets. Exchange rates at the bank, the number of inhabitants of your city, the ecological situation in the areas, traffic jams. Any unique and updated information, which have to try to turn informer.
Another option is to offer your visitors counter. Examples: I am registered on this forum 3 months, I seo for 5 years before my wedding 4 months left. Any figures relating to the theme of your site.

Social news sites.
Services aggregators like news2. ru. Link to your interesting article - and get a link and transitions.

RSS- directories.
If you have a web site is RSS-feeds, add them to the RSS- directory. Dozens of daily links to internal pages will assist in indexing and surges TIC and PR.
Examples of these directories:.
a. http://www. kanban. ru / add. asp.
2. http://liverss. ru /.
3. http://rssreader. ru / addfeed.
4. http://www. plazoo. com / ru / addrss. asp.
5. http://www. ddconference. com / addfeed. html? catid =.
6. http://www. rss-lenta. ru / rss / add.
7. http://litecat. com /? link = add.
8. http://www. rss. zelenkov. net / rss_add. php.
9. http://prostir. kiev. ua / index. php? nma = blog.
10. http://rssportal. ru / webmaster. php.
11. http://rss. ukrnews. net / reg. php.
12. http://www. retranslator. ru / directory / add /.
13. http://izzet. com. ua / index. php? nma = blog.
14. http://www. zanetom. ru / addrss.
15. http://rprw. ru / addsource. shtml.
16. http://linkstore. ru / linkstore / promote. jsp.
17. http://novost. org / index. php? zi = 38.
18. http://news. nofollow. ru /? page = addrss.
19. http://www. headlines. ru / site / addrss /.
20. http://www. allfeed. net / addfeed. php.

their resources.
Trite, but do not forget to put links from their blogs and websites promoted on the site!.

ask a friend.
Ask friends to put a link to your site from your blog, or add a link to the signature to.

social services.
There are two options - the link in your profile (as a URL, and with given by the anchor ) and a link from the comments, or post.
Start the accounts on blogoservisah and social services, chat to them, so pumping your account. The greater the number of friends, comments, popular posts will be with you, the more links to your profile. Therefore, your page will get bigger PR and link to it will be authoritative.
To leave a link in the comments - it must be the case. Otherwise, remove it or you zaminusuyut. Wait for the right topic. With all the posts easier: in his blog, you can put whatever you want, in reference to the collective will, if the material will be of interest to users.
So, I repeatedly got the reference, for example, Habrahabr. The post went to the home page, many of its added to your bookmarks. What matters is that the link does not look like an alien in the post, it should be subject to post. In addition to seo- effect you get good traffic, and 4,000 hits in 3-5 days.
Another method in social services - to write a popular post without a reference. When the majority of users to read and post withdraws from the top, edit the text and paste the link to the appropriate anchor.

Draw competition. One of the conditions of participation - a link to your site.

Become a sponsor of the competition, offering as a prize their products and services. One of the conditions of participation - a link to your site.

Attract the attention of.
Do something extraordinary that will attract the attention of the media and bloggers. Then you get picked up and put a link to the site.

Press Releases.
Write a press release. There are many sites that host free press releases.
Here are some of them:.
PR 8.
http://subscribe. ru / release /.
http://www. ibk. ru / pr / investments, banks.
http://lenta. ru/news2 / press @ lenta-co. ru.
PR 7.
http://www. osp. ru / releases / add. html IT.
http://www. km. ru / pr_new / pr-edit. asp.
PR 6.
http://korrespondent. net / add_relise.
PR 5.
http://www. pr. cnews. ru / Hi-tech.
http://www. openmarket. ru / PressRelease / add_pr. asp.
http://www. cybersecurity. ru / press /.
http://www. fubix. ru / submit_press /.
http://e-news. com. ua / press /.
http://reclama. su / viewtopic. php? t = 3.
http://www. softkey. info / press / howto. php IT, Software.
http://www. cityindex. ru / ci / pr_add. shtml.

Here - http://free. miralinks. ru / you will find resources that are free accept articles and press releases.

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