In June and July of this year jointly by the Israeli company Tweegee and OAO RBC Information Systems ' will be running children's social network. This was announced today at the conference ... The Russian company has signed a license agreement, and stated that the project will invest about $ 6 million.
The site will be built on the platform tipo. co. il, owned Tweegee. Now regular users tipo. co. il are more than 80 % of Israeli children aged 8 to 14 years. The portal allows children to blogs, find friends, post photos and videos, as well as create their own sites. In 2007, users tipo. co. il have built more than 870,000 pages of personal. As the Dp. ru, Chairman of the Board of Directors Tweegee Rayfeld Yochai said that his company has created a ' safe online environment that meets the requirements of the parents '.
New project to compete in RuNet yet almost no one, but it is a temporary phenomenon. Some of the children aged 10-14 years have already registered online users ' in contact ', although it is still considered a student. More recently, the company became interested in children and Mail. Ru - recently opened slightly, but still not running on all the rules, the portal. Kids @ Mail. Ru.
Although it is reported that the project is designed for parents and children, looking at the headlines (... Dr.. ), We can safely assume that at this stage it will be interesting only to parents. However, given the ability Mail. Ru quickly collect 10 million viewers, there is no doubt that over time. Kids @ Mail. Ru. service will grow and the children themselves.
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