December 17 the company announced ChronoPay that became part of the Russian Union of Travel Industry. Accession to the PCT probably due to increased interest in Russian travel agencies, hotels, hotels and airlines to the technologies of e-commerce.
' Membership of a company for the PCT is very important, since the development of electronic commerce, including the tourist market - a trend is an objective, dynamic, and, apparently, a long-term ...
Three weeks ago we wrote about the importance for the Russian market of e-commerce event: the Federation Council in the third and final reading approved a bill ... Cooled down to a pleasant news, let's see what the domestic market has given a solution SF.
According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the share of sales through a single electronic ticket system vzaimorasschetov Billing and Settlement Plans (BSP) in 2006 was 70 %, and the beginning of 2008 to reach 92 %.
Russia was and yet remains one of the last in the world for the use of electronic tickets. Thanks to the approval of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport authorized the domestic air carriers to implement DL. On December 15 flights on electronic tickets started at STC ... DL used to ' Transaero ', S7, ' KD Avia ... ). According to NAUET, in 2007 the value of sales of electronic tickets can exceed $ 200 million. According to forecasts of IATA, in 2010 annual sales of e-tickets in Russia will exceed 4.5 billion. USD.
Most analysts agree that the introduction into circulation of DL - a lengthy process, because the airports must be equipped with expensive equipment, software, well- trained staff. In the STC ... But these problems pale in comparison to the basic and fundamental - the level of development of electronic payments across the country. At the moment there are no clear legal scheme of payment systems, there is no consensus in the regulation of the issue by the government, there is no single information space for cooperation and coordination among market participants.
Internet services are also not too popular. SkyExpress, for example, accepts payment for the DL over the Internet only on credit cards. WebMoney and ... Money ' will be connected later, when the population will get electronic wallets, and they will keep the amount comparable to the cost of air tickets. However, Igor Zworykin, Project Manager E-Avia company ChronoPay ( they have long been trying to implement e-commerce in daily life), sees a positive trend: ... The population accustomed to paying with plastic '.
As you know, demand creates supply. And because regional airports will not soon upgrade its equipment to ensure that trade freely DL. There is a second problem in the region - a weak entry in the Internet life of the inhabitants. The man who flies once a year or two from the Russian will not use the electronic payment system, and not the fact that his credit card, there.
However, the opinion of Mr. Zvorykina more optimistic: ' Russia as a whole already has the necessary infrastructure for the mass development of Internet sales of transportation and travel services. In most large and medium population centers there affordable broadband Internet. Russia already holds third place in Europe by number of Internet users (more than 25 million. people) '. Then a representative of ChronoPay little disingenuous: it is no wonder to be in third place, when the population of Russia is exactly one-third of the population of EU countries. The percentage of Russia is still graze the bottom of the table.
Unfortunately, in the next six months, significant changes in the patterns of ticket sales in Russia will not occur. That is why DL will be happy just for the popular routes: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.