Friday, March 30, 2012

Has opened registration for the European music forum

The second issue of the European music forum will be held from 19-22 April 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey. The motto of the event - ... During the workshops, plenary presentations and the discussion will discuss the role music can play in overcoming the borders - whether geographic, cultural or boundaries of generations. The upcoming forum - it is an opportunity for participants to draw inspiration from each other, and draw the musical traditions of the magnificent city of Istanbul.

You can register after passing. by reference.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

15% of AirFrance flight on Monday October 31 canceled

However, the airline Air France said it undertakes to comply with the order of 85% of the flights scheduled for Monday. Yesterday - October 30, Air France will also canceled about 120 of the 1,000 scheduled flights. On Saturday, October 29 could not fly passengers 130 flights.
The current situation in the airline Air France is such that employees are on strike airports Paris- Orly and Roissy -Charles de Gaulle. In addition, the strike covered Marseille Provence Airport, which takes on the value of the second to the airport Roissy.
Covered by the strike, among other things, airports, Roissy -Charles de Gaulle and Paris -Orly and Marseille Provence, the second busiest hub after France Roissy.
Among the canceled flight on October 31 routes Paris- Montreal, Paris, Los Angeles, Paris, Washington and Paris to Atlanta.
According to representatives of trade unions of employees of Air France, they intend to continue the protests until November 2 vlyuchitelno, that is, a total of 5 days. It was on during the strike have an air of the peaks, the reason why All Saints Day is celebrated almost all over Europe.
According to the executives of the company Air France, as a result of negotiations with the unions, they have already agreed on 90% of their claims. Therefore, the reasons for further protests from employees simply do not. Moreover, according to the company, the continuation of the strike is supported by only 30 % of staff.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Interviews with designer and blogger Chris Spooner

For those who are not familiar with you closely, thy works, tell us a little about yourself and your blog.
I'm Chris Spooner - designer and author of the blog Blog. SpoonGraphics and Line25. I write about anything related to design educational materials on web design, working with Photoshop and Illustrator.

Recently you nakreativil new design blog Line25. com. Fuck it is you need and how you managed with your blogs?.
My first blog Blog. SpoonGraphics dedicated manual for Illustrator and Photoshop, and I did not want to dilute it yet, and web design themes. So I decided to start a second blog, which focused exclusively on HTML, CSS, jQuery, Wordpress, design trends and inspiration. Line25 yet generates income as wages on Blog. SpoonGraphics allows me to write new posts and lessons.

How much time do you spend writing posts?.
To write the training material takes 4-5 hours. Although it may take the whole day - depends on the nature of the topic. Instructions for creating the site, which includes the development of the concept, the creation of screenshots, followed by a description of the whole process takes a long time.
Weekly inspirational posts, such as collection sites of the week, written quickly - 15-20 minutes is required to overdrink sites, previously stored in bookmarks.

Where the internet is dialed inspiration and learn news of design?.
I read your RSS- selection and go to the links in Twitter.

Sometimes ideas are found in unexpected places, you've got is that?.
I used to stick on the polygraph is offline. The last case, for example, liked the typography used on the poster of the film ... I took it on the iPhone and later used a similar rounded -effects in one of the lessons.

Like your style changed over the years?.
I've heard some people say about some my style, but he is not stuck with this. It all depends on what I have currently attracted and then it can be retro, and the extreme, and so forth.

What do you think is the most difficult in web design and logo design?.
Inventing the concept and compilation of the many drafts of a whole.

What can you advise a beginner freelancers to work with the client?.
I would recommend is not wasted on proposals of your opportunities, and concentrate on one factor that will do the job better. This will probably determine the ultimate goal, rather than digging through the process of stretching and busting.

What do you see the differences in European and American styles of design?.
I think with the advent of the Internet, there is no specific differences. Nowadays, everyone has the opportunity to draw ideas elsewhere.

Tea or coffee?.
Neither one nor the other. A glass of orange soda, please.

© Original full version. here.

How to offer their services

Tender ( 11/12/2011 17:51:10 ).
I have a child interested and engaged in the provision of information.
Your site - very informative, but to get the information you need to make efforts not weak.
I have a huge passion took hold of modifying your site.
Would have made it functional, simple and concise source of useful information. For now it is a Web 1. 0, 1995.
Learned how to earn money, and the question of registration is better to give the designer.

15505479 (18:15:15 12/11/2011).
Nothing that I have about 500 sites made ​​by twenty designers and webmasters have accumulated over 10 years?.
Maybe hint, what I mean?.

Tender ( 11/12/2011 18:15:59 ).
Oh, well, sorry.
Passed to you with a studio that makes sites.
And the design for the studio was ...
Thank you for your attention.

15505479 (18:18:28 12/11/2011).
Writing a proposal, please contact us, to which site it belongs. And let's link to your portfolio. Then will it be good. In the meantime, it's just spam.

Tender ( 11/12/2011 18:19:43 ).
And if the portfolio is only one work on the design of the website? .
Okay, I'm still early. later. Sorry to bother.

15505479 (18:20:33 12/11/2011).
Like this you have come to offer their services. Offer a way that was clear about what you.

Where are these people? And what a nickname for sales - Gentle I do not understand. In this case, excuse the age ( 17 years), but sometimes age is the fact and experience, and the portfolio is, and still spamming everybody: ' We will optimize your site, it stopyaty for a phrase, which you do not want ', ' we . Why has no one to blindly blowjob?.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The search query of the day!

satellite-x crack.

If you meant the breaking of the code, how can you crack the door open? .
If you meant the breaking of the site through the script, the script does not refer to external sources except to rss- tapes. T. e. He does not accept for recording information on a server outside.

Now I am wondering what I was searching for a man.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hard life of a blogger


Follouit pack? . FlashTweet. Insert the address of the tweet and tweet a hundred pieces at a time. thank you. Blog to help.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Prohibited taking Zack Snyder

rare reflection. No, you can watch the movie, but if we talk about quality, more and more away from the reality of Zach in the world of their own imaginations. If the Spartans brutal and hilarious, but in the end of Guardians is an allusion to the intrigue is the detective story, in the Reception are all very tough and sad chernushno.

This is a film about hope and freedom. Not worth a load beer, then you do not understand everything. I was able to understand the premise of the author only to the middle of the film and that's when he began to give something in terms of emotions. Until then, I confess, doubted that the general costs was serving to the end - as part of the audience did not dosidela, throughout the film one out of the room.

The film is more like a horror story, good Zach is able to create atmospheric pictures. Then he can not refuse. White to pale doll, brutal girls in stockings with machine guns, against the background of the picture sepiynaya. Everything is great, but how dull. However, very familiar to Keepers.

The plot, if briefly, is to hit a girl in a madhouse, where she invents a fantasy world in which she comes up with yet another fantasy world. Sound familiar? .

But if at the beginning of a beginning and an end, but as a charismatic hero DiCaprio is busy, then a handful of lesser-known actresses Reception and lame on both feet plot. Every ten minutes, you 'll stumble over bumps and potholes on the plot, their brains exploding you whisper ' Think. Now do not think. '. reflection. As soon as you forget about it, questions of ' why ' and ' How ' you just fall asleep.

Why should I go? . Cute girls in stockings. That's all.

Why not go? . hopelessly bleak. incomprehensible plot. illogical construction. Crazy. The weak performance of actors. Frankly naive dialogues. Zero on the scale of humor - the film is so severe that drawn puke. In some places a very severe stage, more suitable films like Saw. Zero on the scale of morality, or any conclusions on this topic. And most importantly, you do not stand for themselves with this film, except for the fact that Snyder's obvious mental problems, but he still paid, so it is splashed on the screen.

So it's a big- nedoarthaus. Children and impressionable young girls there is nothing to do. Beer view does not help ( I did not take but five minutes realized that it still would not help ). The film is not something that is boring, pointless, he weighs his pretensions to meaning, pausing somewhere between. NedoNachalo, NedoUbitBilla, and even NedoPila NedoHraniteli. Rated 3 out of 10 and a recommendation to download torrents in high resolution when the film will lay out in the normal transfer.


Long sought to refer to that (the man also refers to me ) and did not find that. So just a reference to. Home. The old man Spomoni annealed.

Results for. competition mikroobzorov. will be tomorrow morning, at ten of hours. And you still have 5 hours to participate and win a prize or receive a link khalyavnykh.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Declaring war on copy-paste, Yandex makes webmasters do govnosayty

Let's see what content and what is the uniqueness of the content. Content - this is, roughly speaking, a lot of texts. They are not just many, very many of them. Their awful lot of. As a result, the desired content is very difficult to find if it is not cataloged.

What does the author? . In this work the author often ends. Otherwise, it will cease to be an author. He needs to write, and not to promote your content. That is why there are writers who have agents, publishers have.

What makes kopipaster? . Honest kopipaster put a link back to author. Kopipaster concerned only that its product was in demand. Therefore it will take care that its content was useful, well- cataloged so that it read that it was used.

What are the benefits of the author kopipastera? . And since kopipaster developing the project, the link will be respected.

What are the benefits kopipasteru? . And read the 100 authors, they will not be.

What makes Yandex? . As a result, we have a bunch of weak copyright crescent sites and a number of weaknesses in the authoritative resource govnostatey.

What makes in response kopipaster? . He sinonimiziruet content. He glues the gaps. He mixes words and sentences. Do not blame him much - he just wants to compete for the top.

What did the reader up to Yandex -Magadan? . If you wish to digest these the reader can get to the author, but he just does not have to.

What does he now? . A bunch of sites with poor content, but puzomerkami strong, outspoken govnosayty, trailing in the wake of author sites - the quality of texts in terms of their subjects to estimate Yandex is not in force.

Previously, it was simply a megastatya. It is multiplied by the X kopipasta sites. This increased coverage and accelerated the finding of articles, as it grew up by an authoritative and accessible.

What happens now? . Good stuff starts to compete with govnotekstami. And govnoteksty win - otriraychenny text under the keywords are always better than the original text.

Do you think this story? . Thank Yandex, he saved us 50% of competitors, replacing them with stupid non-specific, but the ' authoritative ' sites in Moscow. Thank Yandex, we took first place in the region for the sale of hotel accommodations only because most of our competitors are strong, we were afraid to participate, dropped out of the sickle - was not there in the state of advancement professionals who can explain that a little of the original texts.

At the moment there is a situation that the crescent fight on equal terms:.
- Govnosayty unikalizirovannogo of text.
- Frank dory,.
- Authoritative websites with meaningless articles and reference books,.
- Author's websites.
Now the odds are. Unico has won common sense.

The only place where this has not yet penetrated the technology - is the blogosphere. Yaneksoidam study it is boring and not with your hands. The fact that the guest posts, and they rule polupostovye - everyone knows the blogger. The fact that digests collect subscribers faster and better than the original author's blog - everybody knows. The fact that every blogger will be happy to copy-paste it in an authoritative blog, citing a neighbor - an axiom.

But now the struggle for uniqueness. We end with the same server - not enough space for them. Russia - a country not rich, that we are some kind of Google. Fuck!.

Phenomenal speed Microsoft!

'Moscow, November 1, 2010. - Today, during a meeting with. B. Ivanov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft, announced the publication of indicative prices for software Microsoft, operating in the territory of Russia, the licensing program for public entities. '.

This is the beginning of the press release Microsoft Moscow. Notice of the date of. And I 'll tell you more about the time I received it by mail at 10 am (November 1). And he hangs site:.

http://www. microsoft. ru. aspx.

(explain why in MS such addresses Web-pages? order could not provide links to them? I understand that it turns to the Russian name of the text, but still. ).

Yes, in the. survey, to see hot, p. al early in the morning of the week began a rapid publication.

One would think that Steve met Ivanov not only to make such an announcement.
Apparently, it will not last ( including today) posting: MS has got to cover Ballmer separate page:.
http://www. microsoft. com/rus/events/steve2010/default. aspx.

Visits by top officials of corporations, including MS, have long ceased to be exotic to us. Still earlier, Ballmer met with the media. Now, apparently, is not up to journalists - serious business to do.

On the forthcoming visit of the Moscow office of MS soobshil in his blog, news five days ago. And I knew a young man, Sergei said earlier: it was announced that Steve will meet with youth at MSU. To get there it was necessary to write an application on a site with ' interesting question '. Sergei sent a question and got an invitation ( to a meeting this afternoon ). I asked him to write his impressions.

As for the business program Ballmer. The fact that today the state - a key player in the IT market - no doubt. The fact that MS is now the focus is aimed there - is also evident. And understandably so: either way, but in MS is a very real competitor in the form of activating OSS- community.

More precisely, I think it's not so much competitors as ' card', which razygyvayut, but still - the problem of moving back to MS.

I think that Ballmer will find common language with our officials.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Gadget blog search

The ability to search the blog is one of the most essential elements of a blog. Using the search form Readers can quickly find their material interest of the whole variety of information.

By default the search form on the blog is located at. NavBar. However, if you. removed the NavBar. , Then a search form on the blog will not be available. The alternative - setting gadget ' search box ', which appeared recently. This gadget uses '. Google. custom Search. 'And has advanced search options. So, besides the search for blog, you can connect to the internet search on related links (from blog ), as well as. blogroll. Blog Search option from the blogroll allows readers to search for information not only on my blog, but also on the blogs of your peers, leading blogs in the same category as your.

Installing the gadget ' Search Box '.

  1. Go to Control Panel blog.

  2. Then click the Advanced tab. layout.

  3. On the sidebar (sidebar) go to. Add Gadget.

  4. Among the select list of gadgets. The search box.

  5. Adjust according to your predopochteniyam gadget and add it to the sidebar.

  6. Drag the new item to a convenient location.

Now on your blog is the easy search.

That was Google UP

IT blog. gave 3. blog about gadgets. gave 2. Learn. gave a, that's all my ups: (I thought that the rest of a will. Apparently they are stuck in the sandbox until the next APA.
Well, should not get upset, the result is the result of the existing. As I have said does not need to rush. All will come with time, as usual.
I still think that today, tomorrow APNET TCI. Issue at least be started and will end on a positive:).
Well for instance this:).

on my window sill first ripe pomegranate:) nice:) but kislyyy (.

ChronoPay seriously interested in tourism

December 17 the company announced ChronoPay that became part of the Russian Union of Travel Industry. Accession to the PCT probably due to increased interest in Russian travel agencies, hotels, hotels and airlines to the technologies of e-commerce.

' Membership of a company for the PCT is very important, since the development of electronic commerce, including the tourist market - a trend is an objective, dynamic, and, apparently, a long-term ...

Three weeks ago we wrote about the importance for the Russian market of e-commerce event: the Federation Council in the third and final reading approved a bill ... Cooled down to a pleasant news, let's see what the domestic market has given a solution SF.

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the share of sales through a single electronic ticket system vzaimorasschetov Billing and Settlement Plans (BSP) in 2006 was 70 %, and the beginning of 2008 to reach 92 %.

Russia was and yet remains one of the last in the world for the use of electronic tickets. Thanks to the approval of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport authorized the domestic air carriers to implement DL. On December 15 flights on electronic tickets started at STC ... DL used to ' Transaero ', S7, ' KD Avia ... ). According to NAUET, in 2007 the value of sales of electronic tickets can exceed $ 200 million. According to forecasts of IATA, in 2010 annual sales of e-tickets in Russia will exceed 4.5 billion. USD.

Most analysts agree that the introduction into circulation of DL - a lengthy process, because the airports must be equipped with expensive equipment, software, well- trained staff. In the STC ... But these problems pale in comparison to the basic and fundamental - the level of development of electronic payments across the country. At the moment there are no clear legal scheme of payment systems, there is no consensus in the regulation of the issue by the government, there is no single information space for cooperation and coordination among market participants.

Internet services are also not too popular. SkyExpress, for example, accepts payment for the DL over the Internet only on credit cards. WebMoney and ... Money ' will be connected later, when the population will get electronic wallets, and they will keep the amount comparable to the cost of air tickets. However, Igor Zworykin, Project Manager E-Avia company ChronoPay ( they have long been trying to implement e-commerce in daily life), sees a positive trend: ... The population accustomed to paying with plastic '.

As you know, demand creates supply. And because regional airports will not soon upgrade its equipment to ensure that trade freely DL. There is a second problem in the region - a weak entry in the Internet life of the inhabitants. The man who flies once a year or two from the Russian will not use the electronic payment system, and not the fact that his credit card, there.

However, the opinion of Mr. Zvorykina more optimistic: ' Russia as a whole already has the necessary infrastructure for the mass development of Internet sales of transportation and travel services. In most large and medium population centers there affordable broadband Internet. Russia already holds third place in Europe by number of Internet users (more than 25 million. people) '. Then a representative of ChronoPay little disingenuous: it is no wonder to be in third place, when the population of Russia is exactly one-third of the population of EU countries. The percentage of Russia is still graze the bottom of the table.

Unfortunately, in the next six months, significant changes in the patterns of ticket sales in Russia will not occur. That is why DL will be happy just for the popular routes: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The internal plan of Motorola's 2008

moto-roadmap-2k81Internally, Motorola was listed nine phones that fall into the stores this year. In 2008, gain more devices based on Linux: A1800, A810 and the ZN5 on Montavista Linux 2. 6. a. By itself, the slider ZN5 is interesting: he, the sole will be provided by a 5- megapixel camera with Xenon flash and non-standard keyboard.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Printservers Zonet ZPS1002 - the solution to all problems of office printing

News_13391_1_MDPrint Servers - this device is small, which is connected to the office LAN and a printer equipped with LPT or USB interface. In fact Printservers simply turns an ordinary printer into a network.

Well, if you send a print a few pages of text, and if it is a full-color magazine layout of a page? .

Dedicated Printservers easily solve the above problems. A small box Printservers actually represents a gateway between your LAN and your printer is configured according to your preferences. The device can manage the print queue, monitor print volumes with different PC, such as prohibiting printing for individual workstations in the case of ' brute force ' daily, weekly or monthly amount. Especially important to use Printservers with customizable access rights, together with a color printer. Think about it, how much it costs imprint color inkjet or laser printer - so is not it better to completely eliminate the ability to print a couple of dozen photos from a personal computer or the Secretary accountant?.

If you like the idea of ​​using Printservers - look at the model ZPS1002 produced by Zonet. This Printservers supports high-speed standard USB 2. 0 and the network protocol TCP / IP (DHCP, IPP, LPR, HTTP), has RJ-45 Auto-MDIX Fast Ethernet ( 10/100 Mb / s). Model ZPS1002 easy to install and use, it's supported operating systems Windows, Mac and Linux. Externally, the device looks quite nice, but often you will want it small (73 x 64 x 28 mm) will place it almost anywhere. The manufacturer gives a year warranty on the device. To view the technical specifications and a complete set Printservers visit our website. The cost of the device with the ability to purchase in Russia: 1472 rubles.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Samsung F700 Blanco - an alternative to Apple iPhone?

news_13203_1_MDThe company Samsung, which, obviously, is haunted by the popularity of your iPhone from Apple, he decided to create an alternative. And set up. Meet the new, stylish, handsome smartphone SGH-F700V Blanco, focused primarily on young people. Phone is currently available only at the operator Vodafone and only in England. It has a touchscreen, a sliding qwerty- keyboard, 3 megapixel camera and a slot for microSD memory card. F700V is designed to work in networks GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz, supports EDGE and HSPDA, even when the data rate 7.2 Mb / s.

The size of the device is 104h51h15 mm and weighs 91 grams. It turns out that it is slightly smaller and thinner than the iPhone, however, and he has less screen - 2.5 inches with a resolution 240h440 pixels versus 3.5 inches for the development of Apple. Other features include new FM-radio, audio and video player with a wide range of playback formats, as well as a Bluetooth module 2. 0 with A2DP and EDR. So far no word on price and features launch in countries other than England, is said.

mobiledevice. ru.

USB- camera for teeth

08011This original camera connects to the USB port on the monitor and displays the entire contents of your mouth. Apparently, this gadget is for those who do not want to spend extra money for an annual examination by a dentist.

gadgetblog. ru.